Kalya's blog

 Hi! I’m Kalya and I'm 24. I’m originally from Cyprus but I’ve lived in both England and Cyprus. I have dual nationality (my dad is Greek-Cypriot and mum is English) and I’m native in both languages . I came to Zaragoza in October, coincidently during the Pilar Festival which was absolutely fantastic - a great introduction to Zaragoza! Zaragoza is a great city and very safe - I’m really looking forward to discovering it and the rest of Spain over the next few years. I love being active - trying out different sports and activities, going to concerts and discovering new places and people. I also have a keen interest in photography, art and scuba diving! I've always been interested in people and their behaviour and so, after finishing school, I decided to study Psychosocial Sciences at the University of East Anglia. After completing my undergraduate degree and my Master's in Psychology at Nottingham University, I then decided to volunteer in Ecuador for a month! This gave me a small taste of how amazing it is to travel and teach - I was working with 3-year-olds which was superb and I also met lots of other travellers who were teaching English in different parts of the world. 

This led me to do a CELTA teaching course in Athens, Greece. After that I was able to teach at an International Summer School in Cyprus which was a great experience. When the School closed I decided I needed another adventure and having always loved Spain - the Spanish language and culture, I decided to teach in Spain.
Working at Number 16 has allowed me to meet a range of interesting people - teachers and students included! The students are great fun and the atmosphere in the school is fantastic. I’m really looking forward to spending time here improving my Spanish and my teaching skills, and meeting a range of people - creating strong friendships along the way :)

Kobe: “El método Number 16 te hace salir de tu zona de confort y romper barreras”

Este es Kobe, uno de los profesores de nuestra Academia de Inlgés en Zaragoza #N16San Miguel. ¡Os lo presentamos más a fondo!

Bilbao: ¡Lo mejor está por llegar! 

Hey, bilbaínos! En muy poco tiempo podréis conocer a Calum, que formará parte del equipo de nuestra nueva academia de inglés Number 16 School Ercilla.

Love continues!

Ya ha acabado la Semana del Amor en Number 16 School, pero eso no quiere decir que se acabe el amor, no, love continues…💞

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