Meet Nate...

I'm Nate, a new teacher at Number 16 School. Since I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, I've been zigzagging my way around the UK. I spent most my childhood in the sunny town of Bournemouth and the first years of my adult life at University in Birmingham, where I studied English with Philosophy and Theology. I stuck to the University for another year to work for the Students' Union, which was by far the most difficult and rewarding job I have ever done (so far). That's when I made my first close Spanish friends. You may be surprised to hear (although you shouldn't be really) that they were largely from Zaragoza. I heard a great deal about Zaragoza from them; the beautiful buildings; the long history and the friendly people. It was a recipe for a great city and I was quickly convinced that I had to experience it.

I was looking for a job teaching English and low and behold, I found this one. Perfect! I've not seen nearly enough of Zaragoza yet, but since we got here, the other teachers and I have been hard at work, doing Number 16's intensive training. Now, we're all ready to and very eager to start teaching. I have so much more to say, but you wouldn't want to read an essay anyway. So goodbye for now, and I look forward to meeting you very soon!

Kobe: “El método Number 16 te hace salir de tu zona de confort y romper barreras”

Este es Kobe, uno de los profesores de nuestra Academia de Inlgés en Zaragoza #N16San Miguel. ¡Os lo presentamos más a fondo!

Bilbao: ¡Lo mejor está por llegar! 

Hey, bilbaínos! En muy poco tiempo podréis conocer a Calum, que formará parte del equipo de nuestra nueva academia de inglés Number 16 School Ercilla.

Love continues!

Ya ha acabado la Semana del Amor en Number 16 School, pero eso no quiere decir que se acabe el amor, no, love continues…💞

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