Some choices are lead by wanting to better ones career and some are lead by destiny, or have some calling they must follow. I was neither of those. I was fueled by what some would call the best and worst reason of all…………Love.
That choice of course was to move across the world to a place that I have never been and did not speak any of the language. A very risky and daring chance for one to take.
I first met my wife in Dallas at a small Italian place called Zio's Italian Kitchen.
I knew from the start that I had fallen upon a person with something a little special and different than the rest. However, I did not know how special until a few months later.
Fast forward the clock a few years and there you have it. A younger and thinner version of myself who is madly in love with a beautiful blonde-haired blue-eyed Spanish woman. No matter how old and grumpy we become we will always know about the special connection and love that we have shared everyday. The good, bad, sad happy, right wrong. Etc,etc, We have lived through and shared it all together.
I am just a normal Texan kind of guy. I was raised in a middle class family and grew up in a middle class part of Houston. I never really had to go out of my way for anything. Everything I needed or wanted was within my grasp. My parents worked hard to provide me a stable place to call home. My home town had 25,000 people during my childhood and has now expanded to 60,000 people in 2012.
When I was 15 years old I started to play the Electric Guitar. The first one I ever owned was a cheap white Yamaha that my parents gave me for my birthday. For the next 4 years it was very hard to spot me without my guitar. If I was at home I would be found in my room strumming away on my guitar.
Paul: “La conexión con los alumnos en N16 es increíble”
Entrevista a profesores
Amy: “El Método N16 es el más dinámico, divertido y eficaz con los que he enseñado”
Amy: “El Método N16 es el más dinámico, divertido y eficaz con los que he enseñado”