Ben's Biography

Name: Benedict Paul  Home: Isle of Wight, United Kingdom Birthday: 9th March Favourite destination:  Laos Favourite Book:  ‘1984’ by George Orwell Favourite Films:  2001: A Space Odyssey, The Godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Airplane Favourite food: Italian, Indian, Malaysian, vegetarian Greatest Fear: Anything to do with eyeballs How I relax:  Wine and a good book, a plate of raw eggs Philosophy:  Nobody knows anything What inspires you?:  My brother, parents and grandparents, my roommatesm Words to live by:  “I ran,                                       And unanchored peninsulas                                       Have never known such carnivals of triumph”  "Hi everyone! I came to Zaragoza in September 2013 after a couple of years travelling and living abroad in Italy and Malaysia as I wanted to learn more about Spain and live closer to my family. Since then I’ve fallen in love with this country and been very lucky to explore a lot of places here. I try to get out of Zaragoza at least once a month. I’m slowly learning Spanish from some very patient local friends and doing my best to immerse myself in the culture. Number 16 has been very kind to me and given me a real chance to improve my career and students’ prospects by making me exam coordinator. I’m excited to move forwards with the department and see how much we can expand in the future while helping people get what they need. See you in class!" Ben

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