Conoce a nuestros profesores: Misha Landsman

Hey everyone, My name’s Misha Landsman and I come all the way from a small town in Scotland called “Stenhousemuir!” (It’s very close to where

William Wallace was from, for those of you who have seen Braveheart!) I moved here to Spain to escape the rain, to learn Spanish, to experience a new culture and, of course, to impart my knowledge of the English language. I have fallen deeply in love with Zaragoza! My hobbies include dancing, singing, playing the guitar and playing the ukulele – You can “catch” me playing at open mic at the Angel Azul on a Thursday evening!  Back home in Scotland I have two older brothers, two gorgeous nephews and a beautiful baby niece. They are the “apples of my eye!” I frequently phone home to tell my mum about the weather here – it’s always bad in Scotland so she isn’t happy with me when I “rub it in!” Working at number 16 is pretty awesome – the classes are dynamic and fun, the staff (like me!) are all crazy, but fantastic and I really enjoy teaching with the Number 16 method. Seeing the students’ progress as fast as they do feels great! As “cheesy” as it sounds, I have found my “destiny” as an English teacher! 

Kobe: “El método Number 16 te hace salir de tu zona de confort y romper barreras”

Este es Kobe, uno de los profesores de nuestra Academia de Inlgés en Zaragoza #N16San Miguel. ¡Os lo presentamos más a fondo!

Bilbao: ¡Lo mejor está por llegar! 

Hey, bilbaínos! En muy poco tiempo podréis conocer a Calum, que formará parte del equipo de nuestra nueva academia de inglés Number 16 School Ercilla.

Love continues!

Ya ha acabado la Semana del Amor en Number 16 School, pero eso no quiere decir que se acabe el amor, no, love continues…💞

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