Hello! My name is Nick and I am from Reading, I am the ripe old age of 24 and I have recently completed my TEFL course. I am very much looking forward to teaching English in Zaragoza as I embark on an exciting and fresh challenge at the Number 16 School; this will be my first teaching role so go easy on me. I never like to write too much about myself but now I’ve started I thought I should let you know that my lifetime achievement to date came in 1994 when I won a colouring in competition beating off 100 entrants to open the new Burger King in my home town! I do have a photo of this remarkable occasion, however, after careful consideration I will show you a more recent photo which is void of my Ron Weasley style hair!
This is me; this photo is from my previous role at Reading Football Club where I was mid-way through conducting a tour of the stadium. I spent two years working here and it’s just a shame I didn’t get to play as I may well be the answer to England’s left wing issue! Anyway that’s enough of me waffling I’ll leave the rest to you as we begin a new adventure together.
Kobe: “El método Number 16 te hace salir de tu zona de confort y romper barreras”
Este es Kobe, uno de los profesores de nuestra Academia de Inlgés en Zaragoza #N16San Miguel. ¡Os lo presentamos más a fondo!
Bilbao: ¡Lo mejor está por llegar!
Hey, bilbaínos! En muy poco tiempo podréis conocer a Calum, que formará parte del equipo de nuestra nueva academia de inglés Number 16 School Ercilla.
Love continues!
Ya ha acabado la Semana del Amor en Number 16 School, pero eso no quiere decir que se acabe el amor, no, love continues…💞