Hi! My name's Katherine, but everyone calls me Kat. I'm 25 and I'm from the UK. I'm originally from a small town in North Wales called Wrexham, but I moved to Nottingham five years ago to go to university. I studied photography at Nottingham Trent University, then decided to stay there because it's a very friendly city and I loved the arts scene. Since then I've been doing some freelance photography for a wedding photographer and working in academic administration. I decided to do my CELTA because I really love travelling and experiencing other cultures. I've spent all of my free time for the last few of years trying to see as much of Europe as possible. My favourite places so far have been Berlin, Dubrovnik and Rome. I haven't had chance to see much of Spain yet, but I can't wait to see Zaragoza and the surrounding area!
Kobe: “El método Number 16 te hace salir de tu zona de confort y romper barreras”
Este es Kobe, uno de los profesores de nuestra Academia de Inlgés en Zaragoza #N16San Miguel. ¡Os lo presentamos más a fondo!
Bilbao: ¡Lo mejor está por llegar!
Hey, bilbaínos! En muy poco tiempo podréis conocer a Calum, que formará parte del equipo de nuestra nueva academia de inglés Number 16 School Ercilla.
Love continues!
Ya ha acabado la Semana del Amor en Number 16 School, pero eso no quiere decir que se acabe el amor, no, love continues…💞