Keith's bio

Name: Keith Home: Born in…Lytham,Lancashire Birthday: 8th October Favourite destination:  Not found it yet... Favourite Book:  Still thinking about this! Favourite Films:  Depending on mood, but including 'Easy Rider', 'Men in Black', 2001 - A Space Odyssey'.... Favourite food: F O O D... Greatest Fear: Retirement How I relax: Walking with a camera or a good book Philosophy:  Do good where you can, but do no harm What inspires you?: Waking up in the morning Words to live by:  A smile is like a candle flame, you can share it with others and lose nothing.  A smile is the best thing anyone can wear - and it's free.... 

"Hi people! If you've read this far you're either interested or (more likely) very, very bored :) I first came to Spain in 1979 and I spent three of the best years of my life working here on a yacht at the eastern end of the Mediterranean. I fell in love with Spanish people, Spanish culture and Spanish food. After years working back in the UK I had the freedom, finally, to return, and here I am... Thanks to the team here at Number16 I am living the dream - being paid to do something I love. I make no apologies for being me, slightly 'different' and with a strange sense of humour, that's who I am... I enjoy teaching - I hope that you enjoy learning. I hope that you leave the class wanting more! "

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