¿Cuál es la conjugación del verbo 'estar'?

Hi student! Hoy toca una lección básica en todo aprendizaje del idioma; el verbo to be. ¿Qué te parece? Vamos a darle un repaso a la conjugación del verbo estar en inglés. Aunque es una lección sencilla que ya deberías dominar... ¡nunca está de más volver a los comienzos para tomar impulso! Leeet’s go! 🤓

conjugación del verbo estar

Aunque para ser un experto en la conjugación del verbo estar, el primer paso es adentrarte a fondo en el indicativo.  



  1. I am
  2. you are
  3. he/she/it is
  4. we are
  5. you are
  6. they are 


  1. I was
  2. you were
  3. he/she/it was
  4. we were
  5. you were
  6. they were

Present continuous

  1. I am being
  2. you are being
  3. he/she/it is being
  4. we are being
  5. you are being
  6. they are being

Present perfect

  1. I have been
  2. you have been
  3. he/she/it has been
  4. we have been
  5. you have been
  6. they have been


  1. I will be
  2. you will be
  3. he/she/it will be
  4. we will be
  5. you will be
  6. they will be

Future perfect

  1. I will have been
  2. you will have been
  3. he/she/it will have been
  4. we will have been
  5. you will have been
  6. they will have been

Past continous

  1. I was being
  2. you were being
  3. he/she/it was being
  4. we were being
  5. you were being
  6. they were being

Past perfect

  1. I had been
  2. you had been
  3. he/she/it had been
  4. we had been
  5. you had been
  6. they had been

Future continuous

  1. I will be being
  2. you will be being
  3. he/she/it will be being
  4. we will be being
  5. you will be being
  6. they will be being

Present perfect continuous

  1. I have been being
  2. you have been being
  3. he/she/it has been being
  4. we have been being
  5. you have been being
  6. they have been being

Past perfect continuous

  1. I had been being
  2. you had been being
  3. he/she/it had been being
  4. we had been being
  5. you had been being
  6. they had been being

Future perfect continuous

  1. I will have been being
  2. you will have been being
  3. he/she/it will have been being
  4. we will have been being
  5. you will have been being
  6. they will have been being

Ahora ya sabes todo acerca del indicativo, pero no te quedes atrás con el resto de conjugaciones del verbo estar en inglés. Todos los tiempos verbales son muy importantes si quieres hacer un correcto uso del idioma. 



  • being


  • been


  • to be


  • having been

That’s everything for today! Con esta lección tienes las principales claves sobre la conjugación del verbo estar en inglés, pero si te quedas con alguna duda, es posible que estas preguntas con el verbo to be te aclaren del todo.

Be your best with us! 😎

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